Started BC with a 15 run/jog.
Today in BC our work out started out a little different that usual and what I least expected happened. Usually our work out instructor (John) has us carrying anywhere from 15lbs to 45lbs dumbbells downstairs accompanied with jump ropes, resistance bands, risers, or bosu balls. Today we simply carried our own bodies along with one simple yoga mat in tow. I can't say that I didn't think I wouldn't work out hard without workout instruments, but I have to admit I was curious what we would be doing for an hour with nothing to implement in the routine.
Well 2 minutes into the workout that notion was broken and I could clearly see that I was in for a very difficult work out. Anytime he puts towels on the ground I usually want to run out the door. Towels on the floor generally means he is going to have us push something(usually weights) across the gym floor and back. Today with no weight on the towel meant I have to push myself which one would think that would be easier but I surprisingly found it harder. I have two floor burns on my knees to prove it. (not a very feminine look that's for sure) Pushing a towel across a gym floor I'm thinking is the least becoming position I could find myself within a day's period so as you can imagine when I am asked to do this exercise I am trying to finish as quickly as possible. Regardless of how hard I try I can't get across this amount of floor space without falling to my knees (humbling right) which explains the burns on my knees. Wait it gets better... I only had to do this 3x.
The entire work out was set up in 2 phases.
Mountain climbers
Push Ups
Sprints is the break off point and we went back into the cycle 3x
Second phase we went into
Walls sits
Sit Ups
Mountain climbers pushing a towel across the floor
Squat jumps
Lunges half court and back
Suicides broke the cycle and then we had to repeat the exercises 3x
Last section we did some paired off exercises where we help your partner do leg ups with resistance or sit ups with your partners resistance.
60 minutes and I loved every minute of it!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
On your Mark, Get Set, Go!
My boot camp instructor seemed to turn things up a notch this week in class. Monday (I didn't make it because I was running with my run club) but everyone said it was really tough. Wednesday we started as we always do by running on the tread mill (no biggie 10 min)
I wouldn't call this routine circuit training since we only used 1 machine (for leg curls) but that is exactly the idea or concept he used. He set up stations with weights, bosu balls, and mats and then he says on your mark, get set, go!
Just like that~ after getting our instruction we all scramble around the gym looking for our stations to lunge, plank, or jump. There is one station with treadmills that he has us literally pushing a treadmill (yes he is insane). To add insult to injury I haven't even had my coffee but I am mountain climbing while balancing on a bosu ball. All in all I would say this work out was at a level 9. Really tough with a lot of sweat to prove it. I can only hope that my body responds in time for Dominican Republic in May!
Today's work out included:
1 min pushing the treadmill
1 min jumping jacks with weights
leg curls for 60 seconds
20 sit ups with 15lbs weight (holding it over my head the entire time)
25 lunges with 20lbs weight (holding them over my head as I walk)
mountain climbers with a bosu ball 60 seconds
Dumbbell Planks Row (15lbs weights each)
I wouldn't call this routine circuit training since we only used 1 machine (for leg curls) but that is exactly the idea or concept he used. He set up stations with weights, bosu balls, and mats and then he says on your mark, get set, go!
Just like that~ after getting our instruction we all scramble around the gym looking for our stations to lunge, plank, or jump. There is one station with treadmills that he has us literally pushing a treadmill (yes he is insane). To add insult to injury I haven't even had my coffee but I am mountain climbing while balancing on a bosu ball. All in all I would say this work out was at a level 9. Really tough with a lot of sweat to prove it. I can only hope that my body responds in time for Dominican Republic in May!
Today's work out included:
1 min pushing the treadmill
1 min jumping jacks with weights
leg curls for 60 seconds
20 sit ups with 15lbs weight (holding it over my head the entire time)
25 lunges with 20lbs weight (holding them over my head as I walk)
mountain climbers with a bosu ball 60 seconds
Dumbbell Planks Row (15lbs weights each)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Run Club
As my boot camp classes comes to a close I am working on new and exciting exercise projects to keep the momentum. My new Run Club is definitely an off shoot of boot camp. Boot camp has done more for me than shed weight off of my body, it has shifted my paradigm about exercise and fitness. Prior to joining boot camp I did exercises on a regular basis however I clearly see it was the intensity or lack there of that was different from what I do now.
Boot camp has given me the regularity while instilling in me a desire or hunger for more activity. I find myself looking for more ways to do something outside vs. inside.
Another part of this experience is learning more about what makes me tick. I have found that my motivation comes from people. I want to work out with a group or with my friends. If I know someone will meet me or be waiting on me I am less likely to cancel or change the plans.
Knowing who you are and what you like is a key element in creating a fit lifestyle. Prior to boot camp if anyone ever asked me if I was a runner I would have surely said no. I say that primarily because of the lack of stamina I had which derailed any efforts of running short distances much less long. After practicing and growing my stamina I realized I am a runner and I do enjoy it. Clearly running has become a new part of my work out routine and to ensure I stick with it after boot camp I started a run club. Having that accountability is something I don't want to loose out on.
Blogging was another way of holding myself accountable. Many times in the beginning I would not want to go to meet with my group but I would reason with myself that if I don't go I won't have anything to write about.
All in all the results of the work outs were extremely favorable and over all I am seeing success in my health and fitness goals. I see no need to reinvent the wheel but instead copy it. Feel free to take anything I have mentioned and let it move or inspire you to make the changes you need to make today!
Boot camp has given me the regularity while instilling in me a desire or hunger for more activity. I find myself looking for more ways to do something outside vs. inside.
Another part of this experience is learning more about what makes me tick. I have found that my motivation comes from people. I want to work out with a group or with my friends. If I know someone will meet me or be waiting on me I am less likely to cancel or change the plans.
Knowing who you are and what you like is a key element in creating a fit lifestyle. Prior to boot camp if anyone ever asked me if I was a runner I would have surely said no. I say that primarily because of the lack of stamina I had which derailed any efforts of running short distances much less long. After practicing and growing my stamina I realized I am a runner and I do enjoy it. Clearly running has become a new part of my work out routine and to ensure I stick with it after boot camp I started a run club. Having that accountability is something I don't want to loose out on.
Blogging was another way of holding myself accountable. Many times in the beginning I would not want to go to meet with my group but I would reason with myself that if I don't go I won't have anything to write about.
All in all the results of the work outs were extremely favorable and over all I am seeing success in my health and fitness goals. I see no need to reinvent the wheel but instead copy it. Feel free to take anything I have mentioned and let it move or inspire you to make the changes you need to make today!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Couch to 5K
I wanted to broad caste a new link I found for runners. Now, for the first time, this popular program is available in an online format through Active Trainer. Enjoy!
I am finding it is better to ease into your running program gradually. In fact, the beginners' program outlined here is less of a running regimen than a walking and jogging program. The idea is to transform you from couch potato to runner, getting you running three miles (or 5K) on a regular basis in just two months.
By taking a look at the link on active trainer you will find the tools/schedule to help you build up your running stamina. Don't try to do more, even if you feel you can. If, on the other hand, you find the program too strenuous, just stretch it out. Don't feel pressured to continue faster than you're able. Repeat weeks if needed and move ahead only when you feel you're ready.
A few minutes each week
Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. That just happens to be the same amount of moderate exercise recommended by numerous studies for optimum fitness. This program will get you fit. (Runners who do more than this amount are doing it for more than fitness, and before long you might find yourself doing the same as well).
The workouts in this program are scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. However, feel free to adjust to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. And don't worry about how fast you're going. Running faster can wait until your bones are stronger and your body is fitter. For now focus on gradually increasing the time or distance you run.
Getting Ready!
Before setting out, make sure to precede each session with a five-minute warmup walk or jog. Be sure to stretch both before and after.
Information Taken From
Run Club
I am finding that the best way to create an optimal healthy lifestyle is simply to create one. In Phoenix around summer time it becomes impossible to do any sort of exercise outdoors which leaves 5am or inside a building (gym) the only possible options. One of my biggest goals besides getting fit myself is to motivate those around me to likewise take part in getting fit. Besides who you affiliate yourself with is commonly who influence you most anyway. Why not create an environment of health and fitness as a foundation of being healthy.
My goal for Run Club is simply to get some ladies together in the morning to run! Simply put. In the midst of running~ other things naturally happen (like what happened today) plans and goals are established and next thing you know you are signed up to be in the next marathon! All of it feels fun and right. I hope to find many more ladies to motivate while they motivate me to stay on target!
My goal for Run Club is simply to get some ladies together in the morning to run! Simply put. In the midst of running~ other things naturally happen (like what happened today) plans and goals are established and next thing you know you are signed up to be in the next marathon! All of it feels fun and right. I hope to find many more ladies to motivate while they motivate me to stay on target!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Four D's to Success.
Training at the track was an an extremely enjoyable experience today. Today (by accident) this was my fifth time working out this week vs. the 4x I normally work out. Generally speaking BC is an sufficient amount of work out to drive the changes I want to make, however I signed up for a personal trainer 1x per week to get specific instruction for my individual needs since BC is more of a general type of work out. It just so happens that I lost track of the days this week and thought Wednesday was Thursday and ended up working out an extra day. Once I got to the gym and realized my BC group wasn't there (and why would they be? Its not Thursday) I just spent the hour doing cardio (tread mill, stair climber and elliptical).
In my personal sessions I generally spend some time running, stretching (at least one hour) and lastly I focus on my core. Well today as I was going through my stretching my trainer mentions to me that his 50 years of experience has lead him to believe success has 4 components to it. He labeled success as having 4 D's and besides paying attention to them closely I thought I would tell you about them too.
I also want to spend a quick second recapping for myself how I have used the 4D's in my life.
Desire- This is obviously the foundation of it all right. To want to do something is half the battle. I desire to be a healthier person who has conquered this yo-yo diet lifestyle. I wanted to be in control of my life, weight, and dress size. Anyone who knows me right now knows how bad I wanted to loose weight/get in shape and knows what I was willing to do to achieve this goal. I signed up for BC... need I say more.
Determination-Once I made my mind up that I wanted to do something about my fitness situation or lack there of, I was very focused or determined to achieving my goals. I knew that this process would take time and a lot of energy and thought either way I have to do it. Giving up was not an option for me (this time) because I wanted this change so bad. For some reason feeling unhealthy took me away from who I saw myself as. Being unhealthy affected all areas of my life both professional and personal in a negative way and thus I was unhappy. This feeling of wanting to focus on this aspect of my life overtook me and has carried me to where I am. Half way through. I continue to revisit the idea of staying determined to stay focused.
Discipline-One of the greatest traits that I have had to learn over time is discipline. I use many external and internal factors to help me accomplish my goals, such as will power, motivation, and self control which go hand and hand with discipline. You might hear me even rationalize through this processes as I blog sometime in the morning when I am deciding to go or not to go to the gym. It takes discipline to wake up at 4am, it takes motivation to get up and put my clothes on, further more to even walk outside in the cold and drive 15 min away to a gym when I so much would rather stay in bed. It takes self control to change my eating to mainly fish/chicken and veggies when I really want 1 cheese enchilada with a shredded beef taco (with sour cream) Thank You! Really what I have come to understand is that discipline is freedom. Freedom from the excuses not to live your best life everyday!
Diet- I have come to understand we are what we eat period. Taking time to understand foods and how eating less of the bad foods and more of the good foods has simply allowed me to change my body size. I guess this wasn't the hardest part of this process since eating healthy for the most part has been a part of my life since I got married to a fitness guru, however eating too much or eating fast food when time got away from me became easier as I got busy. It became evident as time went on that if I want to be healthy and look the part, something was gonna have to change. I can only work out so much, so changing my eating habits had to be the component that I change if I want to see further results. This is and will always be a work in progress since I love good food. Learning how to prepare foods in a healthy way and eat less of the bad foods have been key for me. Once I learned about eating fiber foods, overeating became less of a threat as well as taking time to prepare and pack lunches. The extra time is worth the results I am seeing.
In my personal sessions I generally spend some time running, stretching (at least one hour) and lastly I focus on my core. Well today as I was going through my stretching my trainer mentions to me that his 50 years of experience has lead him to believe success has 4 components to it. He labeled success as having 4 D's and besides paying attention to them closely I thought I would tell you about them too.
I also want to spend a quick second recapping for myself how I have used the 4D's in my life.
Desire- This is obviously the foundation of it all right. To want to do something is half the battle. I desire to be a healthier person who has conquered this yo-yo diet lifestyle. I wanted to be in control of my life, weight, and dress size. Anyone who knows me right now knows how bad I wanted to loose weight/get in shape and knows what I was willing to do to achieve this goal. I signed up for BC... need I say more.
Determination-Once I made my mind up that I wanted to do something about my fitness situation or lack there of, I was very focused or determined to achieving my goals. I knew that this process would take time and a lot of energy and thought either way I have to do it. Giving up was not an option for me (this time) because I wanted this change so bad. For some reason feeling unhealthy took me away from who I saw myself as. Being unhealthy affected all areas of my life both professional and personal in a negative way and thus I was unhappy. This feeling of wanting to focus on this aspect of my life overtook me and has carried me to where I am. Half way through. I continue to revisit the idea of staying determined to stay focused.
Discipline-One of the greatest traits that I have had to learn over time is discipline. I use many external and internal factors to help me accomplish my goals, such as will power, motivation, and self control which go hand and hand with discipline. You might hear me even rationalize through this processes as I blog sometime in the morning when I am deciding to go or not to go to the gym. It takes discipline to wake up at 4am, it takes motivation to get up and put my clothes on, further more to even walk outside in the cold and drive 15 min away to a gym when I so much would rather stay in bed. It takes self control to change my eating to mainly fish/chicken and veggies when I really want 1 cheese enchilada with a shredded beef taco (with sour cream) Thank You! Really what I have come to understand is that discipline is freedom. Freedom from the excuses not to live your best life everyday!
Diet- I have come to understand we are what we eat period. Taking time to understand foods and how eating less of the bad foods and more of the good foods has simply allowed me to change my body size. I guess this wasn't the hardest part of this process since eating healthy for the most part has been a part of my life since I got married to a fitness guru, however eating too much or eating fast food when time got away from me became easier as I got busy. It became evident as time went on that if I want to be healthy and look the part, something was gonna have to change. I can only work out so much, so changing my eating habits had to be the component that I change if I want to see further results. This is and will always be a work in progress since I love good food. Learning how to prepare foods in a healthy way and eat less of the bad foods have been key for me. Once I learned about eating fiber foods, overeating became less of a threat as well as taking time to prepare and pack lunches. The extra time is worth the results I am seeing.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Cadence- Get It Up!
Spinning Thursday's evolves right before our eyes. It starts in a cycling room where we get on our bikes (after sizing it for our height and preference). how-to-set-up-a-spinning-bike. Our bikes don't have gears like a normal outdoor bike might have, but simply a resistance knob that turns to the left or right to set resistance. The normal starting speed of cycling for me is usually moderate. At the starting point there is a need to get your legs warm and ready for the class which is where we all begin. As we sit through this process (John our instructor) starts setting up an obstacle course right in front of us. This process can take 5-10 minutes.
Today he set 2 dumb bells at the base of our bikes and then set mats randomly next to one another, then he set up step raises far enough from each other so we have room to jump, run, or zig zag our way through them. At the other end we did (with weights in hand) sit ups, mountain climbers, and planks. On the back end of the exercises we held our weights up over our heads while on our backs and while our legs were lifted over our head moved our legs from side to side. We also did a few sets of lunges with our weights in our hands back and forth a few times.
All exercises are done in between spurts on the bike. John emphasised the need to ensure our cadence was at a strong enough speed that we were burning enough. Even though the cadence that I prefer is at a moderate speed, being that this is boot camp was pushed to Get It Up to a speed that brings discomfort. I'm sure the outcome means more calories burned, increased endurance, and strength~ but it's still hard.
Today he set 2 dumb bells at the base of our bikes and then set mats randomly next to one another, then he set up step raises far enough from each other so we have room to jump, run, or zig zag our way through them. At the other end we did (with weights in hand) sit ups, mountain climbers, and planks. On the back end of the exercises we held our weights up over our heads while on our backs and while our legs were lifted over our head moved our legs from side to side. We also did a few sets of lunges with our weights in our hands back and forth a few times.
All exercises are done in between spurts on the bike. John emphasised the need to ensure our cadence was at a strong enough speed that we were burning enough. Even though the cadence that I prefer is at a moderate speed, being that this is boot camp was pushed to Get It Up to a speed that brings discomfort. I'm sure the outcome means more calories burned, increased endurance, and strength~ but it's still hard.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Circuit Training~ Tuesday's
This week I am slowly transitioning back into my exercise routine. Last week I threw my back out and could hardly move. Anytime you stop working out for a week it always feels like you are starting over so I had to account and prepare for more soreness, fatigue, and loss of strength during my work out. I am not sure if that is all in my head but that is my experience so I will go with that. Tuesday's work outs are usually circuit training of which are what I enjoy the most out of all of my boot camp days.
Today we started running (here we go... I am very tired and running seemed to be a challenge for me) but I pushed through the feeling of wanting to stop after 1-2 minutes. I find that once I push myself over that hump, I usually find myself on the other side of the run happy as I look at the time on the treadmill as it reads 10-15 min and I am a jogging little fool.
We start off with circuit training which simply put is a combination of different resistance/aerobic exercises. Generally its not designed to be very difficult (which is probably why I like it) but more so tailored to be specific to training certain muscle groups with the hope of increasing muscle and endurance.
They call it circuit training because you do a set of certain exercises on different machines traditionally for 30-60 seconds. Our trainer (John) did it a little different for us this time. He had us do 3 sets with the highest intensity we could handle for a set of 10 then lowering the resistance to the next weight for another set of 10 with the last set of the lowest weight class for a total of 30 that were done with no break back to back.
We moved from machine to machine working body parts such as chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms, and core.
In between the circuit we did exercises on mats to break it up:
25 sit ups
25 burpee's
20 oblique crunches on each side.
Getting back to the basics!
Today we started running (here we go... I am very tired and running seemed to be a challenge for me) but I pushed through the feeling of wanting to stop after 1-2 minutes. I find that once I push myself over that hump, I usually find myself on the other side of the run happy as I look at the time on the treadmill as it reads 10-15 min and I am a jogging little fool.
We start off with circuit training which simply put is a combination of different resistance/aerobic exercises. Generally its not designed to be very difficult (which is probably why I like it) but more so tailored to be specific to training certain muscle groups with the hope of increasing muscle and endurance.
They call it circuit training because you do a set of certain exercises on different machines traditionally for 30-60 seconds. Our trainer (John) did it a little different for us this time. He had us do 3 sets with the highest intensity we could handle for a set of 10 then lowering the resistance to the next weight for another set of 10 with the last set of the lowest weight class for a total of 30 that were done with no break back to back.
We moved from machine to machine working body parts such as chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms, and core.
In between the circuit we did exercises on mats to break it up:
25 sit ups
25 burpee's
20 oblique crunches on each side.
Getting back to the basics!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Track is Heating Up!
My work routine consist of boot camp 3x per week and one Saturday session of the track for personal trainer. My Personal Trainer is an expert in Physical Therapy and is an amazing coach. My sessions are usually split into some PT with the remaining part of the session we work out on my legs and core.
I started my session today running the track. 2 laps (walked one and ran one)
Next we go into about 4 or 5 stretches and then he stretches my hips and legs which is part of the PT.
The exercises I worked on today were
- hip rotations 4x
- squats
- squats with a resistance band going from one side to another 4 times.
When the work out and stretches were over I did 2 more laps. (walked one ran one)
In Phoenix its getting hot so this was all done at 1pm in the day. Definitely a hot day so
we agreed workouts would be moved to the morning now that we are heading towards the
summer heat!
Friday, March 11, 2011
What is a Burpee?
Waking up this morning was difficult but again pushed through those feelings using my typical motivation of it being Friday and once this 60 minutes of exercise is over then I can begin my weekend. When I arrived at the gym for BC my group was setting up down stairs (already a red flag that today would be hard). We begin with running around the gym starting with 5 laps. We went right into doing our sit ups and the routine I have listed below. All exercises were done 3 times.
Sit ups- set of 50
Burpee is a full body exercise that is used to strength training. There are a few variations to this exercise, even some that are less challenging than the one we did such as the non-jump burbee. To do a burbee you would do the following. - Begin in a standing position.
- Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
- Kick your feet back while lowering yourself without a push up.
- Return your feet to the squat position while straightening your arms.
- Leap up as high as possible from the squat position with your arms overhead (you may not clap your hands above your head at the peak of your jump)
Ab Roller Ab Roller Example
Bicep curls 15x with resistance bands
Throwing a heavy resistance ball to our coach
Running a lap
3 sets of suicides
3 sets of this routine
2 sets of lunges
Wall sits with 15lb weights
Leg holds 60 seconds.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Boot camp was uneventful today. Started out running for 10 minutes then off to circuit training. I realized today that he usually splits the work out when we do circuit training to two different sets of exercises.
Upper and Lower
After we finished 3 sets of these exercises we moved to upper body and core and did 3 sets of upper as well.
When we were finished we got on the stair master for 3min and then I was done!
Upper and Lower
- Squats with resistance bands (30lbs)
- Push ups and in between we had to step over 4 stacked step ups.
- Lunges with a 16lbs core ball
- Leg curls
After we finished 3 sets of these exercises we moved to upper body and core and did 3 sets of upper as well.
- Planks for 1 min
- 15 bicep curls
- 15 tricep reps
- 1 min of tread mill on a level 2 incline running at 6.0mph (although I did 5.0mph)
When we were finished we got on the stair master for 3min and then I was done!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I Can't Do It!
This morning was a bit of a challenge to get up and go to boot camp. I was a little tired but mainly just didn't want to go. I thought of 50 reasons why I should go and still couldn't motivate myself to get out of the bed. 4:40am and I am still not up and I know that if I am not out of this house in 5 minutes I will be late. Finally the thought that motivated me clicked into place like a key unlocking a lock when I thought of the amazing results I have been seeing in my body. Yesterday as I looked at my legs and shockingly realized that they are getting toned enough for that swim suit that I couldn't wear last year.. Yep I realized that I am ready for it and at that moment when this thought passed in my brain at 4:40am with about 21 more seconds to go before it became 4:41am I popped out of bed threw my clothes on and was off.
I was a little late but I made it! 5:08 am and I am sitting on my spin bike in BC vs. laying in my bed wishing I was at BC I immediately feel great. I am spinning and spinning and I can see John (my instructor) setting up for our obstacle course. He has planned something very fun and challenging no doubt, mean while all 10 of us spin spin spin until we are told to get off of our bikes and start our obstacle course.
Between our 5 min bike push we are to do the following:
Lunges on a with a bosu ball with weights 15x on each leg
Next we did step ups with a core ball 16lbs 15 each leg followed by curls and tri's.
When I got to the triceps I found it challenging to lift the weight (since we were laying on our backs)and allowed myself to get so frustrated that I wanted to quit. I was the only one who couldn't lift the bar and felt so embarrassed. John my instructor had to help me until he eventually lighted the 40lbs weight down to 20lbs which was more feasible to lift. I now have a new goal to work on so that next time I am faced with this challenging exercise I don't feel so lame!
I was a little late but I made it! 5:08 am and I am sitting on my spin bike in BC vs. laying in my bed wishing I was at BC I immediately feel great. I am spinning and spinning and I can see John (my instructor) setting up for our obstacle course. He has planned something very fun and challenging no doubt, mean while all 10 of us spin spin spin until we are told to get off of our bikes and start our obstacle course.
Between our 5 min bike push we are to do the following:
Lunges on a with a bosu ball with weights 15x on each leg
Squats Jumps over steps 5 x
Sprints~ I found this picture of this girl with an amazing body... and thought I should run more!
When I got to the triceps I found it challenging to lift the weight (since we were laying on our backs)and allowed myself to get so frustrated that I wanted to quit. I was the only one who couldn't lift the bar and felt so embarrassed. John my instructor had to help me until he eventually lighted the 40lbs weight down to 20lbs which was more feasible to lift. I now have a new goal to work on so that next time I am faced with this challenging exercise I don't feel so lame!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Come on Flora!
Going to boot camp on Friday is definitely the highlight of my week only because I know what comes after boot camp. Friday's are a free day for me so everything that I do on this day makes me happy! John's goal is to make/keep us sore throughout the weekend. The only pleasant thought that I have regarding BC is when its over.
During my work out, I spend some of my time in strategic maneuvers positioning myself between the older guys vs. the girls since they would actually make me look bad due to the level the ladies work at. Through the session it is common to hear my instructor constantly calling my name. This normally would be good if someone was calling your name but generally he is saying... Come on Flora! Don't Stop Flora! Keep going Flora! Just finish Flora! Get over here Flora! You would think this class revolves around me, he calls my name so much. Again usually its quite embarrassing to get called out in this manner so I am thinking work harder and don't give up so I don't have to hear my name called so much!
Friday's session
Started with a quick run (10 min)
We used the resistance bands to work our arms. (15lbs)
Push Ups
Mountain Climbers while balancing on a core ball
Lunges with a ball
Squats jumps while jumping over a bar
Lat raises
Leg raises
Lat Pull Down
In between these exercises we are running laps!
During my work out, I spend some of my time in strategic maneuvers positioning myself between the older guys vs. the girls since they would actually make me look bad due to the level the ladies work at. Through the session it is common to hear my instructor constantly calling my name. This normally would be good if someone was calling your name but generally he is saying... Come on Flora! Don't Stop Flora! Keep going Flora! Just finish Flora! Get over here Flora! You would think this class revolves around me, he calls my name so much. Again usually its quite embarrassing to get called out in this manner so I am thinking work harder and don't give up so I don't have to hear my name called so much!
Friday's session
Started with a quick run (10 min)
We used the resistance bands to work our arms. (15lbs)
Push Ups
Mountain Climbers while balancing on a core ball
Lunges with a ball
Squats jumps while jumping over a bar
Lat raises
Leg raises
Lat Pull Down
In between these exercises we are running laps!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wash Rinse and Repeat
Today happened to be one of the easiest of my boot camp sessions so far. I am going to take it as the calm before the storm because if I start thinking boot camp will get easy then sure enough John (my instructor) will make us hike up a 30ft mountain in high heels.
Today we started on the treadmill just warming up our little bodies and for some reason I didn't run and surprisingly John didn't make me. (Yay for me) I usually am not in the business of cheating myself because that's what happens if I don't give it my all, but today I was so sore from my Sunday work out that I really needed to take it easy.
After the tread mill we went to the elliptical for 5 min and grinded it out on level 10 (yep a really high hard level) and then in between we did 4-5 exercises.
Lat Pull Down
Leg Curls
10lbs Core ball over our head from side to side (to work our abs)
After we did our exercises we went back to the elliptical and grinded it out for another 5 minutes until the 60 minutes was over . Easy Peasy Today!
Today we started on the treadmill just warming up our little bodies and for some reason I didn't run and surprisingly John didn't make me. (Yay for me) I usually am not in the business of cheating myself because that's what happens if I don't give it my all, but today I was so sore from my Sunday work out that I really needed to take it easy.
After the tread mill we went to the elliptical for 5 min and grinded it out on level 10 (yep a really high hard level) and then in between we did 4-5 exercises.
Lat Pull Down
Leg Curls
10lbs Core ball over our head from side to side (to work our abs)
After we did our exercises we went back to the elliptical and grinded it out for another 5 minutes until the 60 minutes was over . Easy Peasy Today!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Come Rain or Come Shine ~ B.B King
My weekly personal session is held at the track with the purpose of focusing on the use of the bleachers, and the track for running. As mentioned in a previous blog, it is definitely harder to work outside contending with the elements versus indoors with comfortable conditions.
Outdoors I run on a concrete, run up metal bleachers, do mountain climbers on grass or dirt. You would think I would draw the line in the rain, but I didn't. On my way to the track this Sunday as I was on my way to meet my trainer it started to rain. I thought I could just call him and cancel but I was so close I went on to tell him in person to ensure he wouldn't be waiting on me or heaven forbid think I don't take my sessions with him seriously. When I got there I saw more people exercising out in the rain than you would see on a clear and sunny day. I immediately felt happy I came but confused that people were this determined. There were young kids out, elderly people running in the rain, and people running drills. I was like man, I guess people really are more committed to exercise than I thought.
As soon as I got there and started walking to my trainer perhaps he could see it in my face that cancellation was written all over it so without allowing me to speak he pointed to the track and said 2 laps! I thought OK, I am doing this then... Here I go running in the rain. So much for my hair staying straight and cute.
He fortunately did recognize we had some limitations to our work out so he spent most of the hour stretching me out, working on my flexibility, and doing core exercises. I ended being more sore than I have in any of my boot camp classes which shows me the power of stretching. All in all the session was kept and turned into something instrumental in my fitness growth.
Come Rain Come Shine by B. B. King
Outdoors I run on a concrete, run up metal bleachers, do mountain climbers on grass or dirt. You would think I would draw the line in the rain, but I didn't. On my way to the track this Sunday as I was on my way to meet my trainer it started to rain. I thought I could just call him and cancel but I was so close I went on to tell him in person to ensure he wouldn't be waiting on me or heaven forbid think I don't take my sessions with him seriously. When I got there I saw more people exercising out in the rain than you would see on a clear and sunny day. I immediately felt happy I came but confused that people were this determined. There were young kids out, elderly people running in the rain, and people running drills. I was like man, I guess people really are more committed to exercise than I thought.
As soon as I got there and started walking to my trainer perhaps he could see it in my face that cancellation was written all over it so without allowing me to speak he pointed to the track and said 2 laps! I thought OK, I am doing this then... Here I go running in the rain. So much for my hair staying straight and cute.
He fortunately did recognize we had some limitations to our work out so he spent most of the hour stretching me out, working on my flexibility, and doing core exercises. I ended being more sore than I have in any of my boot camp classes which shows me the power of stretching. All in all the session was kept and turned into something instrumental in my fitness growth.
Come Rain Come Shine by B. B. King
Friday, February 18, 2011
TGIF~ I Think!
I can usually count on my boot camp instructor to ensure I start my Friday's off right. In my work week I work Monday- Thursday 10 hour days so I look forward to Friday more so than the average person. Making Friday's the hardest boot camp day is livable only because I know that after 6am I am free at last!
I was a few minutes late to this session which meant I got 5 minutes of run time less than the rest of the group so of course I am mad because I am only cheating myself.
As a class we have no idea what our instructor is going to make us do until we finish the treadmill run. Its either stay upstairs (which I like) or get a mat, a weight and walk down stairs to the basket ball courts (which I don't like) because things can only get harder if there is more room to exercise in. This automatically turns a lunge that would be upstairs from 15 reps since the distance is shorter to 50 reps because you have more court to cover. Something else I learned about the down stairs that I don't like is the a rock climbing flooring that has rubber cushy shreds (I am sure in case someone falls off the wall). John made us run on this which creates a quick sand effect so running is super hard. Yes I am complaining a lot but you would too if someone told you to do:
And to seperate the madness he told us too.....
Run 10 laps in rubber band mesh that makes you sink like quick sand.
We were able to repeat the exercises 3x and run 3 laps... (uh Yeah... He is crazy)
Lets just say 60 minutes couldnt come quick enough!
I was a few minutes late to this session which meant I got 5 minutes of run time less than the rest of the group so of course I am mad because I am only cheating myself.
As a class we have no idea what our instructor is going to make us do until we finish the treadmill run. Its either stay upstairs (which I like) or get a mat, a weight and walk down stairs to the basket ball courts (which I don't like) because things can only get harder if there is more room to exercise in. This automatically turns a lunge that would be upstairs from 15 reps since the distance is shorter to 50 reps because you have more court to cover. Something else I learned about the down stairs that I don't like is the a rock climbing flooring that has rubber cushy shreds (I am sure in case someone falls off the wall). John made us run on this which creates a quick sand effect so running is super hard. Yes I am complaining a lot but you would too if someone told you to do:
- 50 push ups
- 50 sits ups
- 50 squats while jumping over a bar
- 50 bicep curls with a resistance band
- 50 triceps with a resistance band
- jump rope until you die or for 50x which ever come first
- wall sits until you die or for 3-5 min
- core excercises with a ball
And to seperate the madness he told us too.....
Run 10 laps in rubber band mesh that makes you sink like quick sand.
We were able to repeat the exercises 3x and run 3 laps... (uh Yeah... He is crazy)
Lets just say 60 minutes couldnt come quick enough!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Cycle Thursday
As I go to boot camp more and more I can detect a slight pattern in how the instructor (John) likes to schedule our class routines. Thursday has been set aside for spinning on bikes with little mini stations that have 5-7 minute break out sessions. The sessions are random and generally are cardio burners such as running around the spin room like chickens with our heads cut off until we return back to the bike for another 20 min stint.
The room where we spin has glass all around it and I often wonder what people in the gym are thinking as they look in on us running around, jumping like we have eaten a thousand sugar gum drops, throwing balls around like we are playing dodge ball and whaling our arms around while we run faster and faster. It is truly fun but often when you are going through it at 5am you usually are thinking... Have I gone mad?
This session in between our bike stint we did the following exercises:
The room where we spin has glass all around it and I often wonder what people in the gym are thinking as they look in on us running around, jumping like we have eaten a thousand sugar gum drops, throwing balls around like we are playing dodge ball and whaling our arms around while we run faster and faster. It is truly fun but often when you are going through it at 5am you usually are thinking... Have I gone mad?
This session in between our bike stint we did the following exercises:
- Step ups with 4 steps going from side to side with a 10lbs cardio ball
- 50 push ups (I only do 30) I am not crazy
- Jumping jacks with 5lbs weights in each hand for one minute straight
- Suicides
- Ball with crunches
Friday, February 11, 2011
Aint No Mountain To High!
To keep things creative I decided to do a different type of exercise~ Rock Climbing. I have never seen anyone rock climb before so I was a little intimidated especially when I see kids at the age of 6 climbing effortlessly up a while with no rope and in record speed. I immediately knew this is something that would be challenging for a novice.
Rock Climbing is super fun but it is hard work. There is technique involved and uses primarily the lower part of your body. That required a mental adjustment for me because naturally you feel like using your upper body to pull yourself up or to make the necessary adjustments. Since it was new to me I needed to ask a lot of questions. The people were very helpful and friendly and most of all very patient. Anyone who knows me knows that if I am doing something for the first time, I generally am very reluctant but I will follow through. Thank goodness it is a sport that is easy to catch on and in one session you could learn to climb very quickly. .
This blog is made up on a 2 part session~ I enjoyed Rock Climbing so much, I decided to take my niece and nephew the following week!
Jazzy and DJ 02/18/2011

Prior to climbing you must get fitted with gear (which is an added expense if you don't bring your own) Gear is simply shoes and an harness. I would imagine if you were a serious rock climber perhaps you might need a chalk bag but we did OK without it. To climb up the 30ft walls you must have another person to help you but it is a sport you can do alone if you don't plan on using the ropes. If you have a partner then you can climb the 30ft wall while your partner belays for you. As you can see, it didn't take long before my niece and nephew were little pros's. My niece Jazzy made it her personal goal to climb to the top of every trail she started unlike my nephew or myself. We had no problem coming down right after we looked towards the ground. ~ Oh well at least we get an A for effort. Overall it was a fun active sport that involves the family! Who can ask for more?
The Gym we went too is called the Phoenix Rock Gym and it is the largest climbing gym in Arizona!
The Phoenix Rock Gym
1353 E. University Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Rock Climbing is super fun but it is hard work. There is technique involved and uses primarily the lower part of your body. That required a mental adjustment for me because naturally you feel like using your upper body to pull yourself up or to make the necessary adjustments. Since it was new to me I needed to ask a lot of questions. The people were very helpful and friendly and most of all very patient. Anyone who knows me knows that if I am doing something for the first time, I generally am very reluctant but I will follow through. Thank goodness it is a sport that is easy to catch on and in one session you could learn to climb very quickly. .
This blog is made up on a 2 part session~ I enjoyed Rock Climbing so much, I decided to take my niece and nephew the following week!
Jazzy and DJ 02/18/2011

Prior to climbing you must get fitted with gear (which is an added expense if you don't bring your own) Gear is simply shoes and an harness. I would imagine if you were a serious rock climber perhaps you might need a chalk bag but we did OK without it. To climb up the 30ft walls you must have another person to help you but it is a sport you can do alone if you don't plan on using the ropes. If you have a partner then you can climb the 30ft wall while your partner belays for you. As you can see, it didn't take long before my niece and nephew were little pros's. My niece Jazzy made it her personal goal to climb to the top of every trail she started unlike my nephew or myself. We had no problem coming down right after we looked towards the ground. ~ Oh well at least we get an A for effort. Overall it was a fun active sport that involves the family! Who can ask for more?
The Gym we went too is called the Phoenix Rock Gym and it is the largest climbing gym in Arizona!
The Phoenix Rock Gym
1353 E. University Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Core Up!
My boot camp seems to be transitioning to focus on core and strength training more so than it use to. I can clearly see that my weakness is core vs. something like strength training or cardio. It use to be that I could do planks for days but for some reason as of late I find doing a plank for 25 seconds to be the hardest thing in the world.
Today after our 10 min jog warm up we did an obstacle course with some circuit training.
Our first station had 4 maybe 5 stair step stacked and we had to jump using one leg from side to side.
Moving on to the second station we did push ups with sit ups and mountain climbers using a core ball.
We next held a 30lbs ball while standing on a core ball and did 15 squats followed by 15 shoulder press.
After that we got on the tread mill with a incline of 5.0 and speed up to 5.0 for 60 sec. (my speed was 4.2)
We did 3 sets of leg curls on the machines followed by triceps dips, lunges, and ended on bicep curls.
All exercises are done in 3 sets and upon an early completion he adds more exercise so that we can work out for 60 min (non stop) He is such a nice guy!
Today after our 10 min jog warm up we did an obstacle course with some circuit training.
Our first station had 4 maybe 5 stair step stacked and we had to jump using one leg from side to side.
Moving on to the second station we did push ups with sit ups and mountain climbers using a core ball.
We next held a 30lbs ball while standing on a core ball and did 15 squats followed by 15 shoulder press.
After that we got on the tread mill with a incline of 5.0 and speed up to 5.0 for 60 sec. (my speed was 4.2)
We did 3 sets of leg curls on the machines followed by triceps dips, lunges, and ended on bicep curls.
All exercises are done in 3 sets and upon an early completion he adds more exercise so that we can work out for 60 min (non stop) He is such a nice guy!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Day At The Track
A dear friend invited met to work out with him on Saturday at the track at Phoenix College. After a full workout I committed to more of these types of work outs. I find that the track (outdoors work outs) offer a different experience from inside the gym. For one when I ran 6 laps around the track (roughly 1.5 miles) I found it much harder to run against the wind, which creates resistance and the breathing is much different outdoors vs. in.
Coach Craddock did some basic test to see what my strength and endurance was so he gave me some basic exercises such as lunges, windmills, mountain climbers... etc.
I was pretty sore from Friday's Boot camp so the little we did was enough for me. I guess we will have to see what next week brings.
Coach Craddock did some basic test to see what my strength and endurance was so he gave me some basic exercises such as lunges, windmills, mountain climbers... etc.
I was pretty sore from Friday's Boot camp so the little we did was enough for me. I guess we will have to see what next week brings.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Easier Said Than Done
I don't know if its just me, but I am finding that my boot camp is getting easier as I continue to go. I probably will feel a little differently tomorrow when my back, glutes, and knees are in a lot of pain. I say boot camp is getting easier because I can feel my strength and endurance grow. I always feel great "after" a work out (never during) and overall I am seeing dramatic results.
Today boot camp consist of a 10 min jog as a warm up. We spent our morning doing circuit, core, strength training. The exercise routine started with push ups times 2. I am not even sure how to describe this exercise but it starts with doing a push up, jumping over a step up bar and dropping down as if you are doing an up down into another push up (just know its hard). We went into the next station which was another push up with weights that some how went into a triceps row. Next we got a chance to do some core moves on the core trainer with a core ball. We used this tool to go into squats while lifting up the ball to the side overhead. Next we did jumping jacks with 5lbs weights for 60 seconds and then we did something called push the treadmill. We did the final stations which included pull downs, and core ball sit ups with a resistance ball overhead.
Uh Yeah... Now Its Your Turn!
Today boot camp consist of a 10 min jog as a warm up. We spent our morning doing circuit, core, strength training. The exercise routine started with push ups times 2. I am not even sure how to describe this exercise but it starts with doing a push up, jumping over a step up bar and dropping down as if you are doing an up down into another push up (just know its hard). We went into the next station which was another push up with weights that some how went into a triceps row. Next we got a chance to do some core moves on the core trainer with a core ball. We used this tool to go into squats while lifting up the ball to the side overhead. Next we did jumping jacks with 5lbs weights for 60 seconds and then we did something called push the treadmill. We did the final stations which included pull downs, and core ball sit ups with a resistance ball overhead.
Uh Yeah... Now Its Your Turn!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I Will Spin Circles Around You!
My bodies alarm clock went off at exactly the same time it does every day which is 4:04am. As I get up I feel the same feeling as I always feel which is fear of what lies ahead at Boot Camp. Today's class was surprisingly comfortable for me because we did spin. For those of you are aren't sure what Spin is, here is a quick Demo~ Spin Demo
In Spin we did 20 minutes increments with a break in between filled with sit ups, planks, planks with weights, sit ups that went into shoulder press.
Spinning is an excellent way to burn calories and tone your body.
In Spin we did 20 minutes increments with a break in between filled with sit ups, planks, planks with weights, sit ups that went into shoulder press.
Spinning is an excellent way to burn calories and tone your body.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Circuit Training
I am not sure how it worked out for me the way it did, but today I had the easiest of all my Bootcamp days so far. Today we did circuit training and although its intense in its own right, it is a lot easier for me to pump iron or resistance train than it is to run, jump, fly, sky, bowl, all while sprinting accross the floor with a 50lbs weight in my hand.
Our training started us out with running for 15 min. I have to say running is my most proudest accomplishment when it comes to boot camp because I have always had a mental block about it. Last week I accomplished something I thought I would never do which is run 3 miles straight (with the exception of fixing my music on my IPhone) without feeling I needed to stop at the 1 mile mark. I had to build up to that by doing 2 miles of course but I am curious where this will take me next.
After our run we went into circuit training. For those of you who arent familiar with this sort of training, it is when you move between machines with timed increments in between. Here is a generic example below.
This type of training is usually to build strength. I have to say I enjoy this type of training because its not cardio which is my least favorite excercise. We finished our curcuit training in 30 minutes which was approximately 3 sets of excercises on each machine.
The conclusion of our day was sprints, suicides, planks, wall sits, and 3 flights of stairs.
I can feel myself getting stronger and know my endurance is building. I am very happy with my results so far. I have changed my diet dramatically which is a large part of the success I am seeing. I encourage anyone to make the changes if you want to see results!
Our training started us out with running for 15 min. I have to say running is my most proudest accomplishment when it comes to boot camp because I have always had a mental block about it. Last week I accomplished something I thought I would never do which is run 3 miles straight (with the exception of fixing my music on my IPhone) without feeling I needed to stop at the 1 mile mark. I had to build up to that by doing 2 miles of course but I am curious where this will take me next.
After our run we went into circuit training. For those of you who arent familiar with this sort of training, it is when you move between machines with timed increments in between. Here is a generic example below.
This type of training is usually to build strength. I have to say I enjoy this type of training because its not cardio which is my least favorite excercise. We finished our curcuit training in 30 minutes which was approximately 3 sets of excercises on each machine.
The conclusion of our day was sprints, suicides, planks, wall sits, and 3 flights of stairs.
I can feel myself getting stronger and know my endurance is building. I am very happy with my results so far. I have changed my diet dramatically which is a large part of the success I am seeing. I encourage anyone to make the changes if you want to see results!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Boot camp was very intense today! Class started with a treadmill warm up for 10 min. Once the warm up was over we went down to the gym with our mats. John (our trainer) had us start with laps until he was finished setting up. Our challenge began with 2 different stations with 45lbs weights. One station with the 45lbs weight was used to lift 10x over our head. To be honest I have never lifted any weight over 15lbs with the exception of a 20lbs arm curl so to lift 45lbs weight over my head is truly amazing. I can’t say I did this drill the total 10x, however I did get up to 5x. Please don’t tell my trainer that little tidbit of info. I spent most of my time creatively looking very busy and in pain when he passed me up just so he wouldn't stop next to me and try to chat. Not only would this give him an up close count of the number of reps I am doing, or better yet not doing, but the real issue is its not even possible to talk during this exercise.
The next 45lbs weight was put on a towel and we had to push it across the floor of the gym back and forth. Between each station we had to do a quick lap to keep the oxygen flowing. Once we finished this exercise 5x over we did an exercise called Indian Runs only our version was more like Indian sprints. This exercise is when you have runners all in a line behind one another and at my trainers que the last runner would sprint to the front of the line. Since there were 10 of us we did this exercise 10x around.
The remainder of our exercise class our trainer went easy on us (that is so not true) by having us do 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 4 minutes of planks and I believe we did a few flights of stairs. We did that twice so I guess that totals 5 flights up and down. My arms are like jelly and my legs are like jam. All I need is the PB.
The next 45lbs weight was put on a towel and we had to push it across the floor of the gym back and forth. Between each station we had to do a quick lap to keep the oxygen flowing. Once we finished this exercise 5x over we did an exercise called Indian Runs only our version was more like Indian sprints. This exercise is when you have runners all in a line behind one another and at my trainers que the last runner would sprint to the front of the line. Since there were 10 of us we did this exercise 10x around.
The remainder of our exercise class our trainer went easy on us (that is so not true) by having us do 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 4 minutes of planks and I believe we did a few flights of stairs. We did that twice so I guess that totals 5 flights up and down. My arms are like jelly and my legs are like jam. All I need is the PB.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
If At First You Don't Succeed!
Last night after Spanish class I was welcomed by visitors. This was a pleasant surprise however it was not part of my original plan which was to go home, eat dinner and crash by 9pm so I would be ready for boot camp this morning at 5am. I ended up going to bed after 11pm which made it impossible for me to wake up at 4am this morning.
I received a few encouraging posts last night that urged me to not break the cycle, to get up and do my boot camp anyway which was to say the least the motivation I needed. Even though I was unable to do that due to sheer exhaustion, I was however able to mentally determine what I could do in replacement of today's exercise. I have another boot camp class tomorrow so don't worry I will get my share of exercise torture this week. The upside is I am giving my body one more day to rest from the exhaustion and soreness it is undergoing.
I consistently hear how good it is to just work through this soreness and yes I agree however it feels impossible to be able to deliver effective results when your body aches to move even one muscle much less the extent that boot camp requires.
I received a few encouraging posts last night that urged me to not break the cycle, to get up and do my boot camp anyway which was to say the least the motivation I needed. Even though I was unable to do that due to sheer exhaustion, I was however able to mentally determine what I could do in replacement of today's exercise. I have another boot camp class tomorrow so don't worry I will get my share of exercise torture this week. The upside is I am giving my body one more day to rest from the exhaustion and soreness it is undergoing.
I consistently hear how good it is to just work through this soreness and yes I agree however it feels impossible to be able to deliver effective results when your body aches to move even one muscle much less the extent that boot camp requires.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Building A Better Me!
Rigorous exercise is certainly not for everyone and I can solemnly admit that I'm not sure its for me as well. All I know is I will get results from the work that I am doing some day. For a long time I exercised in a fashion that is more suited for an elderly person. Picking up 5lbs or 10lbs weights and doing a set of 10 here or there. Walking on the treadmill while talking on my phone or watching TV while I hardly broke a sweat on the elliptical machine. It was when I actually saw a 75 year old man doing more work than me at the gym that I came the realization~ that old man looks better than me. OMG what is going on here?
It was fear of sweat, hurt, pain, or lack of comfort that I would not allow myself to go out of my comfort zone. Even when I run I talk myself out of running too far for fear that I might work so hard that I might pass out. Yes, it was when I faced my fear and changed my paradigm that I decided to embrace an exercise program that might actually run me in the ground with the hope I might like what I see in the mirror at the end of the day. Speaking of mirrors I now know why men flex in the mirror as they look at themselves. It is because they like what they see and imagine themselves bigger and better. I tried this exercise as I sat and made funny faces as I flexed my muscles that I imagine (yes I am acting like a guy) thanks to the many push ups and resistance training drills I did a few days ago. I found that I liked what I saw and I could envision a better me as time moves forward. I am prepared to get the results that I can get which ultimately means I am prepared to do the work!
I am not sure if I have talked myself out of going to the gym in the morning but I am feeling very much like I am not going to make it. I will set my alarm and see what happens...
It was fear of sweat, hurt, pain, or lack of comfort that I would not allow myself to go out of my comfort zone. Even when I run I talk myself out of running too far for fear that I might work so hard that I might pass out. Yes, it was when I faced my fear and changed my paradigm that I decided to embrace an exercise program that might actually run me in the ground with the hope I might like what I see in the mirror at the end of the day. Speaking of mirrors I now know why men flex in the mirror as they look at themselves. It is because they like what they see and imagine themselves bigger and better. I tried this exercise as I sat and made funny faces as I flexed my muscles that I imagine (yes I am acting like a guy) thanks to the many push ups and resistance training drills I did a few days ago. I found that I liked what I saw and I could envision a better me as time moves forward. I am prepared to get the results that I can get which ultimately means I am prepared to do the work!
I am not sure if I have talked myself out of going to the gym in the morning but I am feeling very much like I am not going to make it. I will set my alarm and see what happens...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
No, Don't Give UP!
Boot camp started today with running. I am grateful that I have some experience with running in my previous training. I have managed to be able to run for about a mile before I mentally sike myself out that I have gone far enough. I am always blown away with people who can run 15 miles straight. Today we ran for 10 min which for me is almost a mile. Secretly I was happy to run because I was thinking the longer we run then there would be less time to do up downs, lunges, and squats!
We managed to get to the lower gym around 5:20am and right away we started with up downs followed by sprints. Whew are you tired yet, because John was just beginning. I felt like I was in a yoga video because he had us go from up down to a push up, to a plank followed by a sprint. It was at this point that it crossed my mind to give up on boot camp. It is very intense but all I could think about is my stupid blog. I started thinking if I quit then what would I write about so I kept going! Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore we then went into running for a bit and during that he went into some basic plyometric drills.
Once we were done with the drills we went into suicides. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a exercise where you sprint back and forth from one point to another. Suicide Drill Example. Finishing up we did resistance sit ups with a partner.
We managed to get to the lower gym around 5:20am and right away we started with up downs followed by sprints. Whew are you tired yet, because John was just beginning. I felt like I was in a yoga video because he had us go from up down to a push up, to a plank followed by a sprint. It was at this point that it crossed my mind to give up on boot camp. It is very intense but all I could think about is my stupid blog. I started thinking if I quit then what would I write about so I kept going! Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore we then went into running for a bit and during that he went into some basic plyometric drills.
Once we were done with the drills we went into suicides. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a exercise where you sprint back and forth from one point to another. Suicide Drill Example. Finishing up we did resistance sit ups with a partner.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
One Step at a Time
I remember feeling by the end of the day of my first work out with my trainer John AKA Billy Blanks that I would be extremely sore. I am so familiar with this feeling and can't say that I love it but I can't say that I hate it either. Ultimately I spent my weekend in recovery from my outpatient work out and probably took my pain and suffering out on my family. So much for work out endorphins, because my attitude really wasn't all that great. I think the only thing I could be happy about was that I didn't have to work out for 3 more days.
To recuperate I took a hot bath, stretched a lot and drank water. What else can you do but tug on the toilet seat with your oohs and ouches as you crouch down? I did however feel better by Monday and was only slightly sore. I felt like it would be possible to work out by tomorrow which is my next boot camp class.
To recuperate I took a hot bath, stretched a lot and drank water. What else can you do but tug on the toilet seat with your oohs and ouches as you crouch down? I did however feel better by Monday and was only slightly sore. I felt like it would be possible to work out by tomorrow which is my next boot camp class.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Do not pass go!
The night prior to boot camp I have to say I was a little nervous. I have never pushed myself in a setting that was so rigorous. Generally, if I entertain a class I go at the pace, and speed that is more so comfortable vs the rigor that I experienced in boot camp. When I showed up I got on a treadmill for a few minutes until our trainer took us downstairs to the gym. On the way down we grabbed mats, balls and courage. As I walked I could hear the other people talking about the previous few days they had worked out and how hard they were worked. My immediate thought was what have I gotten myself into.
Being a novice to this program I decided to be open minded and think pleasant thoughts such as the outcome and benefits I would gain by doing this work out drill. That helped because when we got to the gym and I saw people drop the mats and started running I eagerly followed suit. I am not new to running however I have never been in a situation where I had to run with others behind me or until I was told to stop. The combination of the two made me a little nervous since passing out in front of 10 other adults and being taken out via paramedic transport seemed a little more close than far in my mind. As I finished that thought process our trainer John gave us the OK to stop running (15 laps later) and started the station for the obstacle course.
First thing we did was lunges with a 8lb ball over our head. We were instructed to go up to half court and return. After each station we were instructed to take a run one time around the gym until you arrive to the next station. I felt like I was in a monopoly game as I would run from one station to the next just to pass go only I didn't get to collect $200. I did however get to do 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 100 step ups, 50 squats, 50 lunges and 100 Russian twist. Once we were finished we ran 3 flights of stairs and did 3 sets of resistance sit ups.
Being a novice to this program I decided to be open minded and think pleasant thoughts such as the outcome and benefits I would gain by doing this work out drill. That helped because when we got to the gym and I saw people drop the mats and started running I eagerly followed suit. I am not new to running however I have never been in a situation where I had to run with others behind me or until I was told to stop. The combination of the two made me a little nervous since passing out in front of 10 other adults and being taken out via paramedic transport seemed a little more close than far in my mind. As I finished that thought process our trainer John gave us the OK to stop running (15 laps later) and started the station for the obstacle course.
First thing we did was lunges with a 8lb ball over our head. We were instructed to go up to half court and return. After each station we were instructed to take a run one time around the gym until you arrive to the next station. I felt like I was in a monopoly game as I would run from one station to the next just to pass go only I didn't get to collect $200. I did however get to do 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 100 step ups, 50 squats, 50 lunges and 100 Russian twist. Once we were finished we ran 3 flights of stairs and did 3 sets of resistance sit ups.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Changing things up
Fitness and I can be best friends with the exception of the following day after we hang out. Its as if I have done something awful to my friend and I am given this horrible consequence of pain and soreness for 3-4 days to remember what I have done. I am always left with the feelings of... what did I do to deserve the pain I feel now?
Boot camp came about through my spin class. As my partner and I would go to spin at 5:30 M/W/F we would see a group of people running, jumping, and moving all over the gym in group formation. I don't remember seeing them doing anything that seemed too hard but what could I really tell from just a 5 second glance as I walked to my spin class? Well once my spin partner decided to quit spin I was left with a lack of motivation to get up on my own. My husband (who trains as well) strongly suggested that I get a partner to keep myself accountable. He firmly believes its necessary to accomplish my fitness goals since I tend to lackadaisically work out. Generally if I am not with a trainer or in a class I tend to lack purpose which leaves me feeling unproductive in the gym.
After this discussion we decided I could try lifetime's boot camp since it starts at 5am which gives me enough time to make it to work at 7am and promises results. With the group setting I would have my accountability and since its a boot camp I would have the diversity that I like to keep my work outs fresh.
Boot camp came about through my spin class. As my partner and I would go to spin at 5:30 M/W/F we would see a group of people running, jumping, and moving all over the gym in group formation. I don't remember seeing them doing anything that seemed too hard but what could I really tell from just a 5 second glance as I walked to my spin class? Well once my spin partner decided to quit spin I was left with a lack of motivation to get up on my own. My husband (who trains as well) strongly suggested that I get a partner to keep myself accountable. He firmly believes its necessary to accomplish my fitness goals since I tend to lackadaisically work out. Generally if I am not with a trainer or in a class I tend to lack purpose which leaves me feeling unproductive in the gym.
After this discussion we decided I could try lifetime's boot camp since it starts at 5am which gives me enough time to make it to work at 7am and promises results. With the group setting I would have my accountability and since its a boot camp I would have the diversity that I like to keep my work outs fresh.
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